sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2011

a condição humana

book trailer de Matt Young para o livro
Is That a Fish in Your Ear?
David Bellos

"People speak different languages, and always have. The Ancient Greeks took no notice of anything unless it was said in Greek; the Romans made everyone speak Latin; and in India, people learned their neighbours' languages - as did many ordinary Europeans in times past. But today, we all use translation to cope with the diversity of languages. Without translation there would be no world news, not much of a reading list in any subject at college, no repair manuals for cars or planes, and we wouldn't even be able to put together flat pack furniture. "Is That a Fish in Your Ear?" ranges across the whole of human experience, from foreign films to philosophy, to show why translation is at the heart of what we do and who we are. What's the difference between translating unprepared natural speech, and translating Madame Bovary? How do you translate a joke? What's the difference between a native tongue and a learned one? Can you translate between any pair of languages, or only between some? What really goes on when world leaders speak at the UN? Can machines ever replace human translators, and if not, why? And the biggest question is how do we ever really know that we've grasped what anybody else says - in our own language or in another? Surprising, witty and written with great joie de vivre, this book is all about us, and how we understand each other. "

sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011


The mares go down for their evening feed
                                                              into the meadow grass.
Two pine trees sway the invisible wind
                                                          some sway, some don't sway.
The heart of the world lies open, leached and ticking with sunlight
For just a minute or so.
The mares have their heads on the ground,
                                 the trees have their heads on the blue sky.
Two ravens circle and twist.
              On the borders of heaven, the river flows clear a bit longer.

The Evening is Tranquil, and Dawn is a Thousand Miles Away by Charles Wright

img. Anna Castagnoli

sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2011

a matéria do tempo

Elise Morin and Clémence Eliard
Halle d’Aubervilliers du Centquatre

"A l’heure de la révolution numérique, ces CD usagés ou invendus sont des
supports de mémoire condamnés qui disparaissent peu à peu de notre quotidien
pour participer à l’édification d’immenses déchetteries toxiques à ciel ouvert,
flottantes ou enfouies.
A travers la couverture nuageuse planant sur Paris, les rayons du soleil ont
finalement réussi à se frayer un chemin, à travers la verrière de la Halle d’Aubervilliers,
pour enflammer et faire refléter le spectre lumineux multicolore des 60000 CD collectés, triés et cousus à la main  "

terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2011

lustro do dia

De Ricardo Cabral já conhecíamos Newborn -10 dias no Kosovo, lançado durante o 21º Amadora BD e Israel Scketchbook, cadernos de viagem, diários gráficos, onde o autor fixa (fotografa?) gentes e lugares de pertença. 
Em 2009 este ilustrador enviou alguns desenhos de viagem para o MyMoleskine e no início deste ano soube-se que um deles, de uma série que fez em Barcelona, tinha sido seleccionado para integrar a Cover Art Journals Collection
Com esta nova Moleskine, a cidade de Gaudi vai poder saltar-nos para o bolso.


segunda-feira, 15 de agosto de 2011

bom Ferragosto!

(e ainda anda por aí o Gianni e as Mulheres, último filme de Gianni Di Gregório)

quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011


em promoção da leitura dos clássicos, há uns anos atrás a Saatchi & Saatchi Malaysia criou para a Penguin Books esta campanha absolutamente brilhante - as mãos dos leitores transformadas em livros como o The Railway Children de Edith Nesbit, Cannery Row de John Steinbeck e The Hound of the Baskervilles de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
impousáveis, os livros.
pois bem, agora é tempo gordo, o de férias e não tenho tempo para os deixar pousar!